
Upgrade Your Messaging Experience with New WhatsApp Chat Suggestions

WhatsApp, the world’s leading messaging platform, is dedicated to continually improving the user experience with frequent updates. In line with these efforts, WhatsApp is set to unveil a new feature, Chat Suggestions, designed to recommend contacts for users to initiate conversations with.

This WhatsApp Contacts Suggestion feature is available to a select group of beta testers. However, it is expected to roll out to all users soon. Explore this feature in more detail to understand how it will enhance your messaging experience.

WhatsApp users may soon get the new chat suggestions feature

A few months back, Unfite reported on the upcoming release of the Contact Suggestion feature in the WhatsApp Android beta. This feature aimed to help users start conversations with individuals they hadn’t interacted with. It now seems that WhatsApp plans to extend this functionality to iOS users as well.

After installing the latest WhatsApp beta version,, through TestFlight on iOS, it’s clear that this feature has been integrated into the messaging app. This update significantly streamlines the process for iOS users to initiate conversations.

What is the WhatsApp Contacts Suggestion feature?

WhatsApp’s newest feature suggests initiating conversations with contacts from your list with whom you haven’t interacted.

This feature is a valuable tool for users with an extensive contact list. It can benefit those with busy schedules, making it easier to connect with everyone without feeling overwhelmed by the task.

How will the feature work?

This screenshot reveals a new feature in the WhatsApp beta version: suggested contacts for initiating conversations. It’s a Worthwhile upgrade, wouldn’t it?

In this update, WhatsApp beta testers see a new “Chats” secti” n at the bottom of the chat list. This area shows a list of contacts who have not yet been chatted with, complete with their names and profile pictures for convenience.

The feature offers suggestions based on the user’s user list and the WhatsApp activity of those contacts.

Suppose users prefer not to receive these suggestions. In that case, they can easily dismiss them by closing the suggestions section at the bottom of the chat list, ensuring no further recommendations are displayed.

This functionality helps users identify which of their contacts are on WhatsApp, providing an easy way to start new conversations.

How to use WhatsApp Contacts Suggestions feature

This feature is available only to a select group of beta testers and is not yet accessible to all users. If you are one of the beta testers with access, here is how you can use it:

  1. Open the Chats section in WhatsApp.
  2. At the bottom, you’ll find a new option labeled “Begin Chattin.”
  3. This option shows the names and profile pictures of contacts you haven’t yet interacted with.
  4. Tap on the contact’s name to start a conversation.
  5. The chat window will open automatically, allowing you to send messages immediately.

WhatsApp will soon roll out this chat suggestion feature for iOS users, so the innovative Contacts Suggestion function could be precious for users looking to establish or strengthen connections.

Benefits of Chat Suggestions

Enhanced User Experience: Simplifying New Conversations

The Chat Suggestions feature enhances user experience by making it easier to start new conversations. Providing a list of contacts who haven’t been chatted with removes the need for users to manually scroll through their contact list. This convenience saves time and effort, allowing users to initiate conversations with just a few taps. The feature is handy for maintaining and growing relationships, ensuring users don’t miss out on engaging with contacts they may have forgotten.

Efficient Communication: Streamlining Contact Management and Engagement

Chat Suggestions streamline communication by organizing and managing contacts more effectively. Instead of sifting through a long list of names, users receive targeted suggestions based on their contact list and WhatsApp activity. This makes identifying who might be interested in engaging more accessible and facilitates quicker, more focused interactions. By reducing the effort needed to connect with others, the feature improves overall communication efficiency and ensures that users can stay in touch with a broader network without hassle.

Improved Connectivity: Connecting with Unspoken Contacts

The feature enhances connectivity by highlighting contacts not recently spoken to. This proactive approach helps users reconnect with people they might have lost touch with, fostering stronger relationships and improving social engagement. By surfacing these contacts, Chat Suggestions encourages users to reach out and maintain their social connections, ensuring no valuable relationship slips through the cracks.

How to Use Chat Suggestions

Accessing the Chats Section

  • Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp application on your mobile device.
  • Navigate to Chats: From the main screen, tap on the Chats tab at the bottom. Here, find your existing chat conversations.

Finding and Using the” “Begi” “Hatti”g” Opt”o.”

  • Locate the New Section: Scroll to the bottom of the chat list to find a new section labeled” “Begi” or “Hatti.”.”
  • View” “suggestions: In this section, list contacts you haven’t had conversations with. This list will include their names and profile pictures for easy identification.

Initiating a Conversation with Suggested Contacts

  • Select a Contact: From the list of suggestions, tap on the contact name of the person with whom you wish to start a conversation.
  • Start Chatting: The chat window will automatically open once you tap on the contact. You can now type and send your message to begin the conversation.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the Chat Suggestions feature in WhatsApp?

The Chat Suggestions feature recommends contacts from your list with whom you have had few conversations. It helps users quickly identify and start new chats without manually searching through their contact list.

How do I access the Chat Suggestions feature on WhatsApp?

To access Chat Suggestions, open WhatsApp and go to the Chats section. At the bottom of your chat list, see a new section labeled” “Begi,” “hattin”,” and”h” will display suggested contacts.

Is the Chat Suggestions feature available for all WhatsApp users?

Currently, the feature is available only to select beta testers. It is expected to be rolled out to all users soon.

How does WhatsApp determine which contacts to suggest?

WhatsApp uses your contact list and recent usage data to suggest contacts. It identifies peopleyohaven’t’interactedhaven’tecently and recommends them for potential new conversations.

Can I dismiss unwanted chat suggestions?

You can dismiss unwanted suggestions by closing the suggestions section at the bottom of your chat list. This action will prevent further recommendations from appearing.

Will the Chat Suggestions feature work for both Android and iOS users?

While the feature is currently rolling out to beta testers on iOS, it is expected to be available for Android and iOS users once fully released.

How can I start a conversation with a suggested contact?

Tap the suggested name in the contact “g” s” section. The c”a” window will open automatically, allowing you to send messages.

Can I customize the Chat Suggestions feature to exclude specific contacts?

Currently, there is no option to customize or exclude specific contacts from the suggestions. The feature recommends contacts based on your interaction history and contact list.


WhatsApp’s new Chat Suggestions feature significantly enhances the messaging experience, offering users a more streamlined way to connect with their contacts. This feature saves time and encourages more meaningful engagement by providing recommendations for initipromptly ating conversations with individuals you haven’t interacted with promther looking to your old connections or managing your communication more efficiently, Chat Suggestions is designed to make your interactions smoother and more intuitive.

As this feature gradually becomes available to all users, it promises to improve connectivity and facilitate better management of your contact list. Stay tuned for its full rollout and explore how this innovative tool can transform your WhatsApp usage.

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