
WhatsApp Unveils New Community Info Screen Interface Update

WhatsApp continuously enhances its platform with new user updates. Recently, features like message editing and video messaging were introduced. On August 10, 2023, WhatsApp rolled out a new interface for the Community Info Screen, designed to improve interaction within community groups.

In this article, we will explore the details of the new Community Info Screen interface. We will also discuss the benefits of this update and how it enhances group interactions. Let’s dive in and uncover what this update means for WhatsApp users.

WhatsApp Rolls Out New Interface for Community Info Screen

WhatsApp has announced a refreshed design for the Community Info Screen, which aims to enhance community management and user experience. This updated interface will make it simpler for community admins to manage their groups and for members to access relevant information about their communities.

The redesigned Community Info Screen offers a more user-friendly experience. It features three key sections: Overview, Rules, and Members. This new layout streamlines the way admins and members interact with and oversee their communities on WhatsApp.

Overview tab:

The Overview tab provides essential information about the community, including its name, description, and purpose. It also displays the list of admins and moderators.

Rules tab:

The Rules tab outlines the guidelines that all community members must adhere to. This ensures that both admins and members can maintain a positive and secure environment within the community.

Members tab:

The Members tab displays a list of everyone in the community, including their profile pictures and statuses. This feature allows admins to identify all members while helping members connect with others who share similar interests.

What else is changing in WhatsApp communities?

In addition to the revamped Community Info Screen, WhatsApp is implementing several other enhancements to its community features:

  • Voice Chat Rooms: These enable members to engage in real-time, spontaneous conversations within their communities.
  • Community Polls: Members can now participate in voting on critical community decisions.
  • Increased Admin and Moderator Roles: This expansion ensures more effective management and equitable treatment within the community.

How does the new community info screen benefit users?

The updated Community Info Screen offers several benefits for users, including:

  • User-Friendly Navigation: The new design simplifies navigation, making it easier for users to find information about a community.
  • Enhanced Visibility: The redesigned interface makes communities more noticeable, facilitating easier discovery and joining of communities within the WhatsApp app.
  • Increased Engagement: The refreshed design introduces new features, such as post pinning, poll creation, and member muting, making the user experience more interactive and engaging.

Overview of the New Community Info Screen Interface

What’s NeWhat’s Community Info Screen?

The latest update to WhatsApp’s WhatsApp’s Info Screen includes a significant redesign that aims to enhance user accessibility and interaction.

Key Changes:

  • Redesigned Layout: The new interface presents a cleaner and more organized layout. This redesign simplifies how users access essential community details by clearly dividing information into distinct sections.
  • Improved Navigation: With a more intuitive structure, users can quickly find and view essential information about their communities. This helps in managing communities more effectively and improves the overall user experience.


  • Ease of Use: Users will find it easier to navigate through community details, making it more straightforward to interact with and manage community features.
  • Efficient Management: For community admins and moderators, the new layout streamlines the process of overseeing and maintaining the community, ensuring better organization and accessibility.

Key Features of the Updated Interface

The updated Community Info Screen introduces several new features designed to enhance user experience and community management:

Overview Tab:

  • Content: This tab provides a snapshot of the community, including its name, description, and purpose. It also lists the community’s members andd moderators.
  • Purpose: It gives users a quick and clear view of what the community is about and who is responsible for managing it. This helps both members and admins understand the community’s leadership structure.

Rules Tab:

  • Content: Displays the community guidelines and rules that members are expected to follow.
  • Purpose: This tab clearly outlines the rules, helping maintain order and ensuring that all members understand and adhere to community standards. It promotes a positive and respectful environment within the community.

Members Tab:

  • Content: Lists all community members, showing their profile pictures and current statuses.
  • Purpose: This feature allows admins to quickly identify who is in the community and facilitates connections among members. By seeing who else is involved, users can engage with those who share similar interests and stay informed about the community.

Overall Benefits:

  • Enhanced Organization: Each tab in the updated interface is designed to organize community information, making it easier for users to find what they need.
  • Better Engagement: Features like visible member lists and transparent rules allow users to interact more effectively and stay engaged with community activities.

Benefits of the Updated Community Info Screen

Enhanced User Experience

The redesigned Community Info Screen is built to offer a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for WhatsApp users:

  • Simplified Navigation: The new design organizes community information into clear sections, such as Overview, Rules, and Members. This layout makes it easier for users to quickly locate and access important details about their community without having to sift through complex menus or search extensively.
  • Clear Layout: By presenting information in a well-structured format, users can effortlessly find relevant data. This includes understanding the community’s purpose and community list at a glance. The improved layout reduces confusion and makes the overall experience more efficient.

Improved Community Management

For community admins and moderators, the updated interface offers several advantages that improve their ability to manage and oversee their communities:

  • Streamlined Access: Key features for managing the community, such as monitoring member activity and enforcing rules, are now more accessible. This means admins and moderators can perform their tasks more efficiently without navigating through multiple screens or menus.
  • Enhanced Tools: The redesign includes improved tools and functionalities that assist in organizing and overseeing community interactions. For instance, admins can now easily access and manage community rules and member lists, which helps maintain order and ensure effective community management.

Increased Engagement and Interaction

The new design encourages greater engagement and interaction among community members:

  • Interactive Features: The updated interface introduces new features like the ability to pin important posts, create polls for member input, and mute members if necessary. These features promote more active participation and interaction within the community, making it easier for members to engage with each other and stay informed.
  • Improved Connectivity: A more engaging interface encourages members to participate in discussions, respond to polls, and connect with others who share similar interests, fostering a more connected and interactive community environment.

How the New Interface Benefits Users

Simplified Navigation

The redesigned Community Info Screen significantly simplifies navigation, making the overall user experience smoother and more intuitive. Here’s how:

  • Streamlined Layout: Interface divides community information into clearly defined tabs—Overview, Rules, and Members. This organization reduces clutter and allows users to quickly access specific details without having to search through a disorganized interface.
  • Intuitive Design: The layout is user-friendly, with easy-to-understand icons and labels. This design minimizes the learning curve for new users and allows existing users to find what they need more efficiently.
  • Quick Access: Key features and information are readily accessible, allowing users to navigate between sections seamlessly. For instance, admins can swiftly switch from viewing community rules to checking member lists, improving management efficiency.

Greater Visibility and Discovery

The update to the Community Info Screen enhances the visibility of communities, making it easier for users to discover and join groups:

  • Prominent Placement: The redesigned interface ensures that community information is more prominently displayed within the WhatsApp app. This visibility makes it easier for users to find and explore communities they might be interested in.
  • Improved Searchability: The new design makes it easier for users to navigate to and find communities based on their interests. The more precise layout and enhanced visibility of community details facilitate quicker and more effective discovery.
  • More accessible Joining: The streamlined access to community information simplifies the process of joining new groups. Users can readily see community descriptions and purposes, helping them make informed decisions about which communities to join.

Enhanced Features for Better Engagement

The new Community Info Screen introduces several features designed to boost engagement and interaction within communities:

  • Post Pinning: Admins can now pin important posts at the top of the community feed. This feature ensures that crucial information or announcements are easily visible to all members, keeping everyone informed about critical updates.
  • Poll Creation: The ability to create polls allows community members to vote on important decisions or share their opinions. This feature promotes active participation and helps gather feedback from the group.
  • Member Muting: Admins can mute members who might be disrupting the community. This feature helps maintain a respectful and focused environment by allowing admins to manage disruptive behavior without completely removing members.

Frequently Asked Question

How does the new design improve user navigation?

The redesigned interface organizes community information into clear, distinct sections, making it easier for users to find and access specific details quickly and efficiently.

What benefits does the new Community Info Screen offer to admins?

Admins benefit from streamlined access to essential management tools, such as enforcing rules, monitoring member activity, and updating community details. This enhances their ability to manage the community more effectively.

How does the update enhance community visibility and discovery?

The new design makes community information more prominent within the WhatsApp app, improving visibility and making it easier for users to discover and join new communities.

Can members create and participate in polls with the new update?

Yes, the update allows community members to create and participate in polls, enabling group decision-making and gathering feedback from the community.

How can admins manage disruptive members with the new interface?

Admins can use the member muting feature to temporarily silence disruptive members, helping maintain a respectful and focused community environment.

Will the new Community Info Screen be available to all users immediately?

The rollout of the new Community Info Screen may occur gradually, and availability will depend on your region and app version. Ensure your app is updated to the latest version to access the new features.

How can users provide feedback on the new Community Info Screen?

Users can provide feedback through WhatsApp help, and feedback options are available in the app settings. These options allow users to report issues or suggest improvements for the new interface.

What is the WhatsApp Community Info Screen update?

The update introduces a redesigned interface for the Community Info Screen, aiming to simplify navigation and improve community management. It features a more intuitive layout with distinct tabs for Overview, Rules, and Members.


WhatsApp’s new Community Info Screen interface, WhatsApp’stoday, significantly enhances users’ interaction with and management of their communities. With its redesigned layout, the update simplifies navigation and accessibility, making it easier for users to find and engage with key community details. The introduction of features like post pinning, poll creation, and member muting brings a new level of interactivity and management capability, enriching the overall community experience.

For admins, the updated interface streamlines community management tasks, offering improved tools for overseeing group activities and maintaining order. Meanwhile, members benefit from greater visibility and easier discovery of communities, fostering more dynamic and engaging interactions.

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